htmlGEAR - pollGEAR

Rey Poll 1
When did you like Rey better?
When he wore his mask 11 (23%)

When he was the Giant Killer 15 (32%)

When he was fighting the cowbo 4 (8%)

In the Filthy Aimals 14 (30%)

Other 2 (4%)

46 Total votes
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htmlGEAR - pollGEAR

Rey Poll 2
When Rey comes back what title should he go for?
Cruiserweight 11 (33%)

Tag Team w/ Kidman 6 (18%)

Tag Team w/ Konnan 2 (6%)

Tag Teamw/ other 3 (9%)

U.S. 3 (9%)

Hardcore 2 (6%)

Heavyweight 6 (18%)

33 Total votes
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Rey Poll 3
What was Rey's best outfit?
Camouflauge pants 16 (44%)

Orange Jumpsuit 9 (25%)

Black Jumpsuit 2 (5%)

Mask/ Tights 5 (13%)

Other 4 (11%)

36 Total votes
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Rey Poll 4
What is the best part of Rey?
His Wrestling Ability 6 (16%)

His Eyes 2 (5%)

His Butt 5 (13%)

His Lips 3 (8%)

His Body 3 (8%)

Everything Above 17 (47%)

36 Total votes
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